Adopt A Rescued Pet  ©  2004 - 2025  •  All Rights Reserved
Website managed by Website to the Rescue
Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc. is an all-volunteer non-profit organization designated a 501(C)(3) right here in Citrus County.

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for homeless animals by finding homes and loving families - for a lifetime.

Wish List

•  Dog food
•  Dog collars, harnesses, brushes, crates & towels
•  Gift cards to Walmart, Pet Supermarket, Petco, Winn-Dixie, Publix or gasoline cards
•  Laptop computer
•  Postage Stamps
Donate Now through eBay Giving Works

Even if you're not buying or selling on eBay right now, you can still donate to your favorite nonprofit on eBay through Donate Now.  Visit for more information
Please call 352-795-9550 if you would like to help. The pets thank you!!!
Here is one thing that would help and it doesn’t cost a dime:

Use as your search engine. First choose Adopt A Rescued Pet Inc. and then every time you use it they will donate a penny to our group.

In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall,, where you can shop at more than 900 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to Adopt A Rescued Pet. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to help our group.
Do you sell or buy items on Ebay?

At the final checkout or posting of your ad you can request a percentage of your sales/purchase be sent to help Adopt A Rescued Pet. Inc. Ebay Giving Works will notify Adopt A Rescued Pet of your donation and then send you a tax deductible receipt for your donation. The check will then be sent directly to Adopt A Rescued Pet. There is no additional charge to you for your donation.